Thursday, September 24, 2015

Drawing Challenge Update

Well, clearly, I am not keeping up with this like I said I would. The downside of showing you my weekly layouts in my planner is that you can tell when I fail to get something up on time. I figured since I didn't get this post up on time, that I would get it up once I could! Sadly, this is as far as I have gotten, so I am almost exactly two weeks behind schedule with this challenge! Someone please motivate me to do this! 

This challenge has been a great way to get me out of my comfort zone when it comes to drawing things. I have also discovered that I like using markers much more than colored pencils. A lot more of the drawings will be done in markers from now on.

I think this one needs a little explanation.... This is my family (I am not great at drawing humans yet, so I drew basic figures). I colored each person in with our favorite colors. Then I surrounded us with things we like to do.

My future consists of Hubby and I relaxing on our personal piece of beach, watching the sun go down while sipping on sweet tea! We will travel many places in the meantime, but we will always come back home to the beach!

Hopefully, I will be able to post some more next week. If not, take away my PSL's until I get caught up! (That ought to motivate me, right?!) 

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